"A former nursery school headteacher has told how bungling social workers put her three-year-old daughter into care for eight months after a medical record mix-up."
"Angela Milnes was distraught when council officials wrongly labelled her as mentally ill and threatened to have Sylvia adopted."
"The award-winning parenting blogger had to fight to get her daughter back before council bosses finally admitted they had made a mistake."
"Eventually, a judge ordered mother and daughter to be reunited and council chiefs were forced to issue an apology. They also agreed to pay Mrs Milnes substantial damages, which must be held in trust until Sylvia, now seven, turns 18."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3615575/Girl-care-eight-months-social-worker-error.html#ixzz4AGUYGNmT