"Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet was an outspoken proponent of the theory that vaccinations cause autism. Shortly before his death, he was working on a controversial molecule that occurs naturally in the body that would have been capable of reversing autism."
"Dr Bradstreet was found dead with a single gunshot wound to the chest, floating in a North Carolina river last year. Due to the controversial nature of his work, his family believed that the government or Big Pharma had a hand in his death."
"Due to the controversial nature of Bradstreet’s research, as well as the fact that his office was raided by officials with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the days leading up to his death, the physician’s family hired a private investigator in hopes of finding the truth about Bradstreet’s untimely demise."
"`Unfortunately, there’s an ongoing investigation so there’s not a lot we can share about the specifics. But the way the bullet entered into the body, it’s almost impossible for an individual to do that and it was far enough away that it left no tattooing, no significant burn marks or anything like that`."
Naturalnews.com reports:
See https://www.facebook.com/RememberingDrBradstreet/